HK bus uncle

MR Roger Chan, 50, was on a bus in late April in Hong Kong when his journey to infamy began.

His tirade against a passenger was posted on

In the video, a young passenger later identified as real estate agent Elvis Ho, 23, taps Mr Chan on the shoulder and asks him to speak more softly into his handphone.

Mr Chan turns around and launches into a stream of Cantonese expletives.

The young man repeatedly apologises and says that the matter is settled.

Mr Chan's reply: 'Not settled yet! Not settled yet!' became a catchphrase in cyberspace and on the streets of Hong Kong.

The video, secretly recorded by fellow bus passenger Jon Fong, 21, quickly became one of YouTube's biggest hits, attracting over two million viewers, an English translation version and even a string of parody videos.

Mr Chan was even given a job by a Western food franchise as a public relations officer after the video made him famous.

But three men walked into the restaurant and assaulted him early this month.

p/s: he deserved it man.. seriously!


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