Yay Thursday

Me getting my a/c finally! woo hoo! well after so long. sighs.. life is tiring... i still haven't had a good nights sleep yet. probably i should but then again hahahah can't sit still. am 24 am young and i should be up and about. worry about sleeping later when am dead. :P


  1. yay! ahah..i'm happy for u too baby.

  2. yeah yeah sam, am sure u are :P

    I'm 24 too!!! how sad...growing old...*sob sob*...

  3. lol. aww ashie. :) don't cha just love it when called baby. :P

  4. :p hehehe... heylo ashie!!

  5. of course i love being called baby...but only when its by my baby :P other ppl call no 'feel' lah. hehehehe.

    harro sam....dun call me baby....madison avenue...hahahahaha....

  6. LOL. i aint calling u baby and i dun think anybody would call u baby for fear of loosing a head. :p hahahah


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