Hectic Wednesday

After the long night, noon seems to be a perfect way to start a day. yeahs took a couple of hours off work to get some things done, which is some sleeping done. tired is not a good way to start a day. especially when u know the day would be hectic and gruesome!

2 minutes to the office and i receive my first call for help. apparently some of my scripts didnt really finish the testing phase. so while u-turning i made a quick phone call hoping no cops were there quick check i knew where the problem lies. picked up speed and head for the office. quick fix of the problem and it was done.

proceeded on to other task at hand. have so many post-its on my wall i dont konw where to start. shortly after quick blink on my msg bar. lunch invitation from joey so it seems. wendy was in town finally so i agreed. the usual vegetarian diet was again on the menu. paid the bill and i was back into the office in 1/2 hour.

worked continued to pile in for the day. the boss wasn't in but still work seems to be unfinished. so code code code.... eyes felt like it was build with numbers. matrix seems like the best word to describe what i was visualizing. it was almost 4pm when i had a call from jannielle. wanted a yam char session. so i agreed. hang around till 5.30 then i was off back 2 the 3 wall cubicle i call a room. coded again and and again till it was time for sports.

badminton was on the agenda next. then proceeded on to dinner with wei ling at the duck store in state. soon after i was back in the office. how lame isnt it? what to do no life and unfinished business. sighs..

i want to wish for something but i better not. it might just come true. :)


  1. u work too freaking harrrrrrrrd! yay dawnie's coming back today! *happy happy happy*

  2. ROFL!! its not hard its just longggggggg :P

  3. and u need rest also..~ rest rest rest...i wanna holiday...miss ya baby

  4. did i hear it right.... someone just called you baby in your comments. you must be gloating.


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