Putfile - Goodbye To Singapore

Putfile Says Goodbye To Singapore

At dawn on December 2nd 2005, Singapore hanged a citizen of Australia, despite a plea for clemency from the United Nations. Whilst Putfile is not a human rights campaigning organization, we believe that if a country must have the death penalty, there is no need for it be barbaric. It is enough of a punishment, and a deterrent, to take someone's life in a painless manner, without having to be barbaric about it. Putfile prefers to not continue to provide our free uploading service to a country that executes prisoners by hanging, a method of execution which can take up to six minutes to painfully execute the victim.

For this reason, we are at this time terminating all service to users from Singapore. We shall be happy to restore service following any positive move from the government of Singapore towards abolition of hanging as an execution method.

Goodbye Singapore,


Related Links:
CNN - U.N. effort to spare condemned man - http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/11/20/singapore.death.ap/
ABC - Nguyen family, friends head home - http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200512/s1522729.htm
Amnesty International - Signapore - http://web.amnesty.org/report2003/sgp-summary-eng
BBC - Singapore 'tops execution league' - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/3398043.stm

Press Correction:
The "New Paper On Sunday" recently stated that Putfile is based in Australia, this is incorrect.

Copyrights: This article may be quoted in full or in part only with the mention of, or a link to, this URL: http://www.putfile.com/putfile-goodbye-to-singapore.php


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