
Showing posts from May, 2005

Technically Monday

sumarize today. too tired and lazy to type anything coz nothing much happened to other then hearing my baby going through a tough time and someone dear to heart departed today and its not making the picture any brighter. (hugs baby) well had lunch at stephanie's place.. yummy! curry and kurma and rendang.. yummy!! 4-6 badminton session.. good game would definately go for it again. come home had dinner then start working on my personal r/s skills. :p hahahah

Chef Sunday

Good Morning People. Its a beautiful day today. Decided to cook debbie and wei lings first home cook meal to the loss of the bet that didn't allow me to proceed on into a relationship for 6 mths. and i barely made it to the 1st month mark. yes and also lost the bet to ash so as of the moment owing her 1 week's supply for dinner. well lazed around the house till approx 8pm and went back to sleep. baby tried to wake me up at 9.30am but just couldn't open my eyes. room was 2 cosy to be left alone. *hehe* mary then called at 9.45 coz i promised to go to giant with her at 10am to purchase items for lunch cook-a-feast, i had no way out now so i woke up and then opened the door for her coz i wasn't ready at all. had a little chit chat and then proceeded on to giant but not before stopping by at the local mamak shop to have a little breakfastie. i don't usually have breakfast but today was exceptional coz i was hungry. prolly woke up to early on empty stomach. soon after p

Earth Shattering Friday Night

For once in my life i am feeling as if my life has just been completed. Its mind blowing and heart warming yet mind boggling. how did i mix those 3 feeilngs up, don't have a cow. I guess i just can't stop thinking about it. just put her to sleep not to long ago, and not am online writing up a blog. i think soon this will be a private blog. lol. might as well just create a totally different separate blog just to make sure certain anonymous postings will be avoided. postings in such that those who tried to remind me that my past needs to be forgotten and i should be moving with life. lol. somehow or rather i just had to say it. haha. but anyways i have moved on a long time ago and i am gonna stop where ever i am and start realising my goals in life. so much to do so little time.

My First Time

and I quote "Well how do u feel? Ur Heart uneasy? Tighten up? Restless? Then it could be jealousy". Yes its jealousy and its making me feel helpless and i can't stand the feeling. Oh gawd! I have never felt such an overwhelming feeling for fear of loosing someone. I couldn't help but constantly thinking even if i my mind was suposeedly pre-occupied with a movie. so many new things i have encountered in this past 2 months. old things and feelings that i have hidden up in the attic for so long. everything is just surfacing and popping out like little rubber ducky in the bathtub. first it was warmth then followed by tenderness, accompanied by love and proceeding to jealousy what comes next i don't really know. all i know is that i crave for each and every second to hear and to converse with her about everything single little thing. i want her to know how i feel, i want to know how she feels. waht we are both going through whenever and wherever. sharing whatever we ar

Jealous Friday

helo , i got jealous today for the first time and i am embarassed, yes its with debbie. :P haha funny how it goes but then again it wasn't anything major. sighs i love my "someone". well something happened yesterday. my ex told me she doesn't want to give me back my handsfree, and i quote "handsfree no name, doesnt mean its yours". sighs. :) u can have it. take take take dun don't take. :P i get a new one. well life is all about being funny and being alive. something comes and something goes. and my past has gone and my new "love" life has jsut came. ooo i just can't wait. :P soon soon :P am a coming!! :P

Yay Thursday

Me getting my a/c finally! woo hoo! well after so long. sighs.. life is tiring... i still haven't had a good nights sleep yet. probably i should but then again hahahah can't sit still. am 24 am young and i should be up and about. worry about sleeping later when am dead. :P

Blogless Monday

heylo blog. i really don't know what to say actually all i know is that its 1.55am and i still not sleeping. why some might ask. i napped after dinner thats why. was too tired went to sleep and then woke up to call a certain "someone" cause "someone" was worried about me. was suppose to return a call but ended up drifting off into wonderland and totally forgot about it. hehe. well nothing much happened today excep that i manage to get my web cam working again. yay! so far the person benefiting from it is "someone". yeahs unfair isn't it. well i had my fair share of it on the other end. anywho waht else? well am gonna go watch star wars tomorrow. got sum free tix for 3 so am gonna bring debz and wl along. well wonder if the show would be good or not. we will just see. today was just a definately exhilarating experience for me, as for "someone" it was for last night and tonight. *giggles*. sorry darling. lol. i didnt mean it it just happene

Penang 15-05-2005

Roti Tisu In Penang Well the summarization of this trip is currently being detailed in another blog. Please proceed on to the link blog 101 for the details. As for me what i am going to do is just list out certain details that weren't highlighted in the other blog. Firstly being the case of "i thought u took it with you". I am refering to a certain couple who forgot to bring back 100% of everything they brought up to penang. both thinking the other one carried it and didn't realise when were were about 20 seconds from entering the bridge to head home. oh well just have to purchase a new one i guess. hehe overall the trip was a good trip. it was fun and super hilarious! what do i mean? well we had fun on the way up as in we were all awake and talking and those who were playing game boys got nausea and the one who loves sleeping made a terrible bet and needed to with stand sleeping for 1 whole hour! WOW! impressive. *clap*. anyways the drive was smooth, nothing amazing

Seriously Thursday

*WOW* someone just said something special today. makes my heart jump with joy. ooo u just feel that heartbeat drumming in the insides that makes ur mind delirious. such a sweet thing isnt it. well its a slow process and i am taking my time chewing on the facts and figures and taking notes and memorizing facts about every single little thing about everything single little thing. getting dizzy just thinking about it. over thinking i guess. :P hehe *huggies*. and no debbie & wei ling no relationship yet so am still getting my "home cook meals". muahahahah sighs soooo many more months to go.... what a drag .. :P well from the fact that i slept again at 4am in the morning trying to finish up some things in the office, i pretty much had a late morning. woke up at 8.45am and got out of the house by 9am and into the office by 9.30am am pretty alrights. been having 2 much late nights in the office i am beginning to nap in the office and its seriously not one of my likings but i am

Hectic Wednesday

After the long night, noon seems to be a perfect way to start a day. yeahs took a couple of hours off work to get some things done, which is some sleeping done. tired is not a good way to start a day. especially when u know the day would be hectic and gruesome! 2 minutes to the office and i receive my first call for help. apparently some of my scripts didnt really finish the testing phase. so while u-turning i made a quick phone call hoping no cops were there quick check i knew where the problem lies. picked up speed and head for the office. quick fix of the problem and it was done. proceeded on to other task at hand. have so many post-its on my wall i dont konw where to start. shortly after quick blink on my msg bar. lunch invitation from joey so it seems. wendy was in town finally so i agreed. the usual vegetarian diet was again on the menu. paid the bill and i was back into the office in 1/2 hour. worked continued to pile in for the day. the boss wasn't in but still work seems t

Tired Tuesday

Sumarization Again: - 1. had early morning to send my brother to college. braved through the massive traffic jams everywhere from subang to damasara. sighs.. its like its hell driving around the most packed places. 2. had domino's for lunch. delicious and scrumptious food i would definately say and worthy of the price. spent approx Rm15 for a pizza, garlic bread and bbq chicky wings. yummmyyy 3. dinner came by and i had fillet of sole. what fish was it.. i think it was cod it was wrapped with spinach filings, deliciously yummy. initial plan was summit but i din drive and mary din wanna drive so the trip was cancelled. 4. oooooooo its 11pm and guess where i ended up? the office! ya.. not CS office.. :p dataran prima office. worked on server re-mapping till the weeeeeeeee hours of 5am. then went home and took a couple of hours off work time. too tired eyes were drained of all available liquid. prolly should bring spare change and shower gel 2 shower here. :P

Lousy Monday

Summarization:- 1. stupid touch n go didn't work becuase my card started with 0 value. yes the new incredibles daymn card. i was planning to actually load it up when i exit at subang old airport. stupid touch n go. dumbo. idiot. no brainers. 2. traffic jam at the stupid bottle neck after the exit at damasara toll. 3. went out with mom to go get an air conditioner for my room and guess what the guy wasn't there. where was he? "sudah balik, kerja dari 8.30 pagi sampai 6 petang". wtf? u wanna buy something and they make u wait. right just nice jaya jusco, applauses for u. dumb idiot. 4. nearly lost my car coz i parked in level 2 in ikana power center car park and i went to search for it in level 1. haahhahah that was the funniest moment. for a moment i thought i would be getting a new car, but not really. Sorry debbie and wei ling my fault. hahah didn't mean to bug you ever so often. 5. bought a digi sim pack for some reason and they didn't acknowledge my reload

Picky Sunday

Why picky? plenty of reasons i would say. had a very nice and interesting early morning sms to wake up too. :) who u might wondre it is from. well that would the treasured secret between my phone and me. anyways morning started with sms'es here and there and everywhere with alot of plans but everything never left the drawing board. this was to the fact that my sister has just finished checking out of the apartment in whcih was rented to host her birthday party. the party was help in the KL plaza condo service apartments. yes so me, mom and brother had to take a casual drive down into town to help her carry all the stuff back. yes she uses them and we have to clean up after her. how peculiarly weird and unfair. oh well that is what family is for aint that right? journey resumed into the heart of jalan pasar in KL. mom wanted to pick up some multi meters for her office. so we went walking around the road shops around. bought myself a white nike cap which cost me an easy Rm10. the sam

funny saturday

blehs.. nothing new today. just the casual lunch with wei ling and debz and jannielle. went for food in downtown KL which was good. how good ? u will come and try it yourself. proceeded on to mid valley coz i need 2 get myself a new shoe. yeaps. new shoe!! another power shoe for me. cost me an easy RM60. well at least its not as expensive as a nike which would last me probably the same duration. anyways san bought a pair too. hehe coz her slippers were giving her blisters. wl and deb went for blood donation and came with a muffin and 2 free t-shirts. yeaps they are blood donators. one a blood type and the other was an o positive. both blood suckers! rofl did i mention that i was in holland for 20 minutes? hehe me and san took pictures of us in holland. :P ahahha it was a holland fair. :P anyways we proceeded on toe hartamas to go get my free gifts. yeaps. freeee gifts from maybank card users. nothing much to look at just that we show a whole group of vespa riders waiting for the rain t

Broken Friday

so many things to do so little time. memories of my past just came flooding back into my head ... pre-uni,uni,post-uni sighs.. so many things has changed even i have changed. listening to City of Angels soundtrack brings peace but yet brings all the sorrow back. i have lost so much yet and i am still loosing. nobody see's the inside, its all the outside. its hard to tell someone when ur hurting so deep. there is no words to describe my emotion. is this what humans feel every single day or at least once in their lifetime. what can i do to stop myself from loosing myself, does that mean anything? everyday i feel as if i could just reboot myself and start fresh and i mean rebooting and not going to sleep and waking up the next morning. rebooting as in going back to that tender age where u learn how u should be living ur life. learning how to not fall into the hole that is right there. what do i mean? well when u fall in love.. u know u want it for keeps but u also learned ur lesson th

Happy Friday!

yay its friday again! a good weekend this will be i hope. planning to go for a good dinner tonight. well who am i going for dinner with tonight is still a question. i have made plans with joey for dinner with wendy but then am still holding on to san becuase was suppose to have dinner with her last night but it was cancelled due 2 muh sister's birthday. oh well we will see how it goes la. :P traffic to work today was aokies. should leave at 7.30am beats alot of traffic andi arrive at the office at 8.30am. pretty early but its nice . i like to watch my collegues stroll into the office. :P

Birthday THursday

SIsters birthday today. went for chilli's and the food was aokies. portions were huge but worth it i would say. had a glass of beer with my father, and he went on to order a tequila on the rocks. dont know if he really got drunk (highly unlikely) or was he just being his funny self coz he was rubbishing alot. sister had a really sour salad with grilled prawns. i had a bbq ranch which i ate only half! why 2 big! the rest was shared among the family. my mom had some funny looking citrus chicken and brother had his usual BBQ ribs ! :P his favourites ribs and lambs. soon after we headed home for a birthday cake celebration the Tan family tradition. cut the cake ceremony and of course the casual watermelon for dessert. curtesy of my father. he loves watermelons. rofl. well i was suppose to be heading back to the condo but i was 2 lazy to drive so i stayed back home, 20 minutes drive. thats long.. :P

working wednesday

helo am back yet again for another blog story. worked all morning and worked all evening what else is new. my ex still hasn't send me back my things yet. wonder when will it be, the longer she keeps my things the longer i will keep her things. break ups are always sucky when one party decides not to let go, its always in my case. i wonder why? probably its just me being really difficult to please? don't know. am i difficult to please? u have to refer this question to the ones i have been hanging around with. so wednesday, suppose to be badminton night tonight but game was cancelled, this was becuase my collegues decided to swap the day to tuesday which was cancelled becuase nobody informed anybody and there was only 4 players and it wasn't enough to make a good game. why? don't ask i haven't a clue. hopped off work at around 7 plus to pick a couple of friends. we were going to this new cafe in town called "shall we meet". its a typical hong kong restaurant

Wicked Monday

this is gonna be quick and simple. rofl, yeahs coz i don't have much data info to provide coz i didnt do anything! woke up early went for hike/trekking in gasing hill, went for break fast then lazy around all day at home. which home? subang home? why subang? coz there is nothing to do in perdana and i feel like lazing around in a home. :P -the end-

Sleepy Sunday

i think i slept the most today. woke up at 2pm, had food, surfed the web checked my emails and then napped again for about 15 minutes while reading john grisham then my mom woke me up to go shopping for furniture. yeaps yeaps go buy my cupboard. yaya!! i have new cupboard for my small room. hehe then went shopping some more to go buy my dining table. well my mom's dining table i would say. found it at last at puchong kinrara furniture shop. its a 4.5 feet table with a nice table wood color with lovely chairs and yes it was so comfortable. then went home and had a little dinner, took my medication. lay on the couch and started on grisham again. before i knew it i was sleeping again. yeahs medication was those drousy medication for flu/cold. it was a hot day but then the air-conditioner was on so i guess it was perfect time and place to sleep, not forgetting the comfortable couch. *giggles* then friends called up to go yam char, decided on 223 coz i was hungry was some ice lemon tea