Sunday Night

hello bloggie,

its a sunday today and i am here again in my room. just got back some stuff's from my ex's place which i believe belongs to me. took back me pots and me blender and my mom's ladder. this would be the last trip as the rest of things i don't really want to take back. why? becuase well there are things which would take alot more then my fathers 4 x 4 to bring back and my ex owns half of it. oh well, i unpacked a little bit of my clothes from my parent's place and i brought it over. repacked everything here which i would need for work and started blogging.

what have i been doing? went to cameron highlands over the weekend, and cooked kurma chicken again as usual as this is by request. lol. there were only four of us this time as one more couldn't make it. didnt do anything there but eat, sleep, watch vcd, eat again, shower, sleep, watch vcd, eat and then nap and then leave. yeahs alot of eating which means alot of cooking for me! why? becuase i love cooking and i love it that i have my own kitchen that i can man on my own without interference! other then that we took a simple 1/2 hour walk after dinner becuase all of us had ALOT to eat and we definately need to digest especially WL. i shall use initials coz it would embarass her if anyone should know. lol. other then that nothing much happened, went vegetable hunting the next day and then took a quick drive to Bidor to have the duck noodles!! YUMMY!! absolutely + its herbal soup so its extra "yummy". so far the last trip i went to cameron's we ended up having lunch/tea time there.

came home, had a can of beer coz there wasn't cold water in the fridge, why? becuase my flatmate filled the whole fridge with her herbal soup making stuffs, and all the items are in boxes/tupperwares so its a small fridge so u get the idea. wanted to go play tennis but it rained. (dumb weather). then decided to go walking in the curve and WL bought a blue basketball and i bought a David Arkenstone Ultimate Collection Twin CD. Its the first cd i have bought in years which isn't from those "local" stalls. :) after that i picked up debbie and then sent both of them home and then went home for more "duck". i know its duck day today! lotsa cholesterol!! but then u only have such days once in a blue moon.


  1. arkenstone is new age music composer. basically from the narada family of music


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