Sick Day

am sick sick sick! why? i dont know prolly becuase 2 much hot weather and not enough water and not enough sleep. age is catching up on me i guess.

trying to download the l word. its taking forever even with my house connection. streamyx isnt in really good condition recently. oh well what more can i ask, my office connection is even worst.

sighs.. it has only been 1 month plus and it feels like eternity, i definately need to find myself a better output or i am gonna be so miserable. take up a hobby someone told me, what hobby? it isnt something u just take up coz the hobbies that i want to do aren't doable here. what are they? rollerblading, cycling, walking, travelling, sleeping underneath the sun on a cool autumns day and just plain walking in winter with my shorts and slippers. oh well i think i just had to much australia in mind. i practically had my adulthood grown there so thats why i am kinda still attached to it.

its wednesday and i am at home cramping on my brothers computer typing away on this really small keyboard which has wonderful clicking sounds when i touch type, no wrist rest so my wrist are kinda aching now. my brother doesn't bother coz he uses this pc to play games and u use more mouse movements then keyboard with games. don't u agree?

oh well i better go to sleep now before i bore my blog to death! :p


  1. yes, you can come with us to do outdoorsy stuff when we get our act right and not sleep in, laze around.

  2. hahahahaha what to do when the weather is so nice to sleep!


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