X-Men Origins: Wolverine

A must watch! If you miss it watch it on DVD. Hugh Jackman is the perfect role for Wolverine. :)

Here's some funny reviews that I've read which I think was cute...

Though Hugh Jackman gives his all, he can't help X-Men Origins: Wolverine overcome a cliche-ridden script and familiar narrative. Wolverine hit only 36% on the tomatometer vs 56% for the X-Men: The last stand.

Film.com by Peter Travers
But, after a grisly campaign in Africa, Logan has had it with inflicting death and never dying. He just wants to settle down shirtless by splitting logs in Canada and banging a hottie schoolteacher (Lynn Collins). But before you can sing "I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK," Stryker has killed Logan's chances at a love story and our vengeful hero submits to an operation that gives him a skeleton of impenetrable adamantium. Presto, Wolverine as Weapon X! Am I going too fast for you?


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