Latest Update

oo ooo .. helped my company cancelled their fixed ip account today. streamyx was perfectly nice to me too. everything went smoothly. well that was what happened when i cancelled my account too.. but with me streamyx owe me money. this time we owe them money, the last time they took ages to pay me wonder if i delay this payment anything would happen?

been fixing up alot of pc's for the last 2 days i wonder if i should start charging them for my time and effort. RM50 per pc isnt 2 much 2 ask for isnt it? lol. had a early night last night after packing up my room geez i din know i had so much rubbish! old stuffs even from uni that is like 5 years old! omg i antique person i think :p

someone watched mr and mrs. smith wihtout me last night. waaaaaaaaa! :P well intend to watch my very "first time" with her when she comes. oh wells. :) life is good but its better when someone is next to u. :P


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