So hard to forget & The Cure @ Cinema Paris

I would have thought that it would have the most boring movie ever cause it took 1 1/2 hours of my life because it was so slow. Shrugs.. Oh wells. Perhaps next time. Adjourned to Sauna for a excellent dinner as always. Lesbians and food, like 2 peas in a pod.

the cure on the other hands was much better although the lack of sleep makes a bottle of beer feels like 3. though i think it lacked a better introduction to what ex gay ministries were like overall it was quite entertaining. Having gone through some form of church reparation myself I can almost feel and understand what some of the interviewee must have gone through. Personally I don't think there can ever be a cure for homosexuality as it is engrained into our DNA like how our nose, eyes, ears and mouth are. You can't change who you are just because society thinks your different. If there was no indifference between us humans wouldn't life be just a tad bit boring?


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