Lemon with a Twist

A social network for the queer females that takes place @ Slide every first friday of the month. It marks my first outing in almost 8 months now. I've been so occupied with work/badminton/softball/dog walks/social gatherings in the past 8 months that I hardly have time to do anything else. Perhaps socialising with people outside my comfort circle would help get me back on feet quicker I thought and since its been so long I thought to myself, why not? Life's short take a chance and you might be rewarded.

Arrived late as always to find Y has already made herself comfortable inside with her drink in hand needless to say. A was coming shortly once she finally park her cute little 307 in a car park. I didn't know I was going to be the object of display for the whole night. Being introduced to the so many ladies at the bar, staircase, bathroom, where we sat was entertaining and exciting. Having a few drinks does help break the ice a little. Being shy wasn't exactly what I wanted on a night like this so alcohol was needed to provide that level of comfort in the midst of all the ladies in town.

A few girls passed me by but nothing catches my eye. I doubted the fact that I'll ever find someone that fits my profile on a night like this. From experience all those in my category of "looking for" is always paired up or have the habit of not turning up at parties like this alone and available. When Y introduced me to T then followed by a few other asian girls I wasn't a tad bit interested. I guess I was just being a difficult bitch but I wasn't bothered, I am too happy with myself to be able to do my own things without having to report back is just too good to let go off. It was close to 10pm and S was made her first appearance which didn't really activate any alarms. The night progressed on with S on the dance floor giggling and laughing and for some strange reason we got closer rather quickly maybe to close for comfort for me. Drinks on the table... Let the games begin ..


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