Whirlwind Weekend

Chiropractor visit in the morning before adjourning to the city for Yam Char with Joey's folks on Saturday morning before parting off at World Square to meet up with Ryka and Toni to pass them their photos of what we took at their wedding about a month ago. We decided to head home coz it was "hot" and we were tired. We hoped to have got out to get dinner but ended me cooking "baked chicken" coz I wanted to watch Santa Claus on Tv. Movies followed by Water Boy that ended our Saturday night. It was pretty eventful sorta since the day started at 9am. hehe.

After our long discussions my sweetie decided to pack up her bags from our 10 day trip back home. Mostly clothes and some new shirts she bought back home. We bought a clothes stacker from Ikea and we're using it now for our lingerie and socks so that it looks neat and nice. Bought myself a fly swatter but haven't had the chance to use it yet. The time will come eventually. hehe.

Its gonna be christmas soon and my sweetie is off from next week for 2 weeks while I am still slaving at work for most of the days of the week. We're planning for a Gold Coast trip somewhere on the 2nd week of February since Wei Ling is coming around.

Sighs xmas period is around the corner and everyone is slowing down including the economy. I hope everything picks up by next year.

Happy New Year & Merry Christmas!

Chiense New Year is around the block too. woo hooo!


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