Batman Returns .... Not

THE latest Batman flick appears set to smash box office records and may even beat Titanic - but Rory Gibson says it's such a stinker he fell asleep.”,23739,24124569-5003420,00.html by Rory Gibson


I never knew anyone else thought it was boring. Everyone I know seems to see a different side of the Batman but overall I still think it wasn’t worth the watch. It was boring to some extent but the motion graphics and wonderful explosions here and there are the only few things which keeps me awake during the movie. At some point I’d like to fast forward the roll of film which was running up on the box, hehe but I’d think it be unfair to those who are watching. Feeling my darling squeezing my hands at gruesome scenes was enough to tell me she enjoyed the movie a fair bit. Upon exiting the cinema we we’re appalled to the fact that Heath Ledger tried very much to portray a different Joker to what we saw Jack Nicholson so many years ago and failed. It was sad as his other movies were very good indeed but in our opinion it doesn’t deserve an Oscar, simply because its just not good enough. Portraying the Joker was and will never be Heath Ledger’s strongest acting ability. He just has a good boy look and not my crazy psychomaniac.


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