Friday @ Fridae

i am gonna be doing short snippets for this weekend becuase i don't have much time to blog yet. :P busy dating.. hahah!

okies lets see today i went to alot of places. first stop was shangri-la hotel to pick up some people, then to have dinner @ bakersinn

follow up was to pick up sumone @ chijmes then to red club for red queen rnb club night for lesbians only with a couple of men allowed.

had 4 different drinks for it was 2 jugs for 40 so we had 4 different vodka with somethig jugs. had 1 tequila shot which kinda knocked most of the people there. met up a couple of people there some of them who thinks my darling was cute and some to mistaken my darling for a cute little boy.. lol.

then adjourned to happy well we detoured becuase i dun like happy and that alternatif was a better choice for us 3 lesbians. hehe hahah!

had pool games and finally am drunk! yeahs but not drunk enough to pass out. haha! well i kinda spilled my unprocessed food on the street because mixing beer with alcoholic drinks is never a good outcome. haha!


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