We Are In History Books

we are in history. we are currently making history. one day we would be read in books by the aliens. lol do they exist? spirits do, ghost, king kong even. hehe i believe that we aren't the only one in this universe. the world is so big, the universe is bigger. space is the last frontier ... would like to take a visit maybe in the future.. my name is written in one of the ships that went up into space. my full name even but i don't know who put it there. it could be me but then again i really have no idea becuase i have no recollection at all. have a meeting tomorrow morning at 10am but am still in the office working and blogging at the same time. haha! workaholic! mirror images haha!! :) life is beautiful when love exist it in. :) its even more wonderful and beautiful when the love is returned. :)


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