Batman - The Dark Knight

I thought the film was over-rated. I didn't like Heath Ledgers performance, he wasn't being himself, he was sort of mimicking Jack Nicholson's Joker. If 2-face could have a new costume why can't he have a better look/make up. Isn't Batman suppose to be a very quiet but intelligent kind of super hero not some rash and figure who beats up the Joker in the interrogation room and to finally leave the Joker to be cared for by some local officer who gets easily annoyed becuase he lost 6 of his best friends to the Joker himself? Its a bit stupid to me. He should have blown up the ships or at least one of ths ships? Arghs I guess over this one and batman begins, I still prefer the Batman Begins.

This is my opinion, everyone is entitled to one.


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