Vodaphone Apple Iphone 3G Prices

$69, $99, $119, $169 Vodafone Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G

$69, $99, $119, $169 MyBusiness Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G


Terms & Conditions

Offer subject to change and stock availability.

Available to approved customers who connect to the $69 Vodafone Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G for 24 months.

Early Exit Fee applies if not connected for 24 months.

Handset locked to the Vodafone network.

Charge may apply to unlock.

1 month credit expiry applies.

Vodafone live! downloads and some services excluded.

iPhone does not support Vodafone live! or downloadable content from third party premium SMS content providers.

Customers SHOULD CANCEL any subscriptions to Vodafone live! or third party premium service content provider with their existing device by sending ‘STOP’ to the relevant provider otherwise they will continue to be charged the relevant subscription fees even though they will NOT be able to access the relevant content.

iPhone will not support PXT®, MMS or video call services - customers will not be able to send or receive PXT® or MMS or use video call services.

In respect of other content, customers will only be able to receive content through the iTunes store through their personal computer.


Given the above case most likely I will have to purhase my Iphone from Optus now since they aren’t providing any prices for prepaid purchases. Arghs!


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