Smart Talking MSN Virus

fion_tan's Bot said:
hi r u there?
fion_tan's Bot said:
Hey are u there?
fion_tan's Bot said:
hi r u there?
fion_tan's Bot said:
hi are you there?
magicstar said:

fion_tan's Bot says:
i just took an IQ quiz

magicstar says:
really LOL
fion_tan's Bot says:
I was smarter than I am

magicstar says:
hahah is that so?
fion_tan's Bot says:
u have to look if u can beat me,

magicstar says:
what happened?
magicstar says:
fion_tan's Bot says:
I bet you cant haha

magicstar says:
i did
fion_tan's Bot says:
take it now while I take a shower!

magicstar says:
and i scored it 1000x better than you


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