Gumtree Spammer Beware


Thanks for the fast response to my inquiry,I believe the item is in good shape more also i am ready to go on with this sales and i will want you to know i am ready to make the payment.i am okay with the asking price for your item, and i don't want you to worry about the Shipping because i have a good shipping company that will be handling the shipment of this item from your place down to my new residence as soon as the payment has been made.

I will also want you to know that i will be making payment via Certified Check which will contain both the asking price and the shipping fee via the shipping company to my new i will be needing your payment details in order to mail the payment to you such as your

Full Name:
Full Address:
Postal Code :
Tel #
Final asking price:

As soon as this is received ,I will be mailing the payment right away with no further delay,and the purchase can be completed .

I await your swift response so we can complete the sale with no further delay,Thanks,and i await your email later.

N:B - Kindly let me have a resent Picture of the item please

Best Regards


On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Jody wrote:
Hi JOhn,

Thank you for your interest however we already have takers for the couch.



On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 4:08 PM, John Flamingo wrote:
Hello i am so much interested in your ads for sale and i will love to
know if it is still available for sale. Kindly tell me the condition
and also the final asking price as well . I will be expecting to read
from you real soon .



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