World Poverty

Why is there world poverty? Is it true that the world isn’t producing enough food to feed the world? What has gone wrong? We have so much agricultural land and yet we aren’t  producing enough food? What is the world coming too? Is money all we think about?

Inequality is increasing around the world while the world appears to globalize. Even the wealthiest nation has the largest gap between rich and poor compared to other developed nations. In many cases, international politics and various interests have led to a diversion of available resources from domestic needs to western markets. Historically, politics and power play by the elite leaders and rulers have increased poverty and dependency. These have often manifested themselves in wars, hot and cold, which have often been trade- and resource-related. Mercantilist practices, while presented as free trade, still happen today. Poverty is therefore not just an economic issue, it is also an issue of political economics”


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