Top 10 Most Liveable Cities

What is the top 10 most livable cities in the world?
Monocle has given us a list and it seems that London can't even squeeze its way anywhere above the top 20 let alone top 10. Tokyo has moved a notch upwards and stands at number #3. Munich dropped to 2nd place when Copenhagen the capital of Denmark has risen above all to take the top spot. The Vikings are back on a leap frogging place from no where to number #7 and #5. Perhaps its time to pay them Vikings a visit.  Sydney which once stood at the 10th most liveable place has dropped to 11th due to the rising ridiculous property prices as well as one of the most clogged up streets that is housed by bad public transport. Much can be said but Monocle points out that pretty doesn't mean its fantastic. I wonder how true is that?
The Final List
1. Copenhagen
2. Munich
3. Tokyo
4. Zurich
5. Helsinki
6. Vienna
7. Stockholm
8. Vancouver
9. Melbourne
10. Paris


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