PHP5 Whats New?

The long anticipated PHP 5 release comes with a slew of new features aimed at simplifying development with PHP. With PHP 5 comes the introduction of exception handling, the Standard PHP Library (SPL), enhanced support for XML SimpleXML, reflection, and quite a few enhancements to the object oriented features of the language. PHP 5 also offers a sizable list of new functions, many of which will not be covered in this article but are available in the manual.

PHP 5 offers some big enhancements to its ability to interact with databases. The most significant addition is the embedded SQLite database, a quick, lightweight database engine made specifically for embedded applications. This means there is no RDBMS process running on the server; SQLite reads and writes directly to files on disk. This results in significantly lower memory overhead when the database is not being used, but major performance problems arise if the system is used in a high traffic environment. SQLite is intended for small scale use, as best I can gather.

PHP 5 also introduces support for the MySQL 4.1 client library with the introduction of the mysqli extension.The mysqli_stmt class represents a prepared statement that allows you to execute “prepare” and “execute” queries against the database. Lastly, the mysqli_result object provides a cursor based interface for reading results, providing similar functionality to the functions available in the standard MySQL extension using a MySQL resource handle. The new extension also adds support for SSL and input/output parameters.

The last notable addition in the database area is enhanced support for Firebird/InterBase, an RDBMS that offers most ANSI SQL-92 features which provides most of the same functionality for Firebird/InterBase as the new mysqli extension does for MySQL but in the same manner as the old MySQL extension - that is, no objects.

Standard PHP Library
1. Iterator
2. Directories
3. XML
4. Arrays
5. Countings
6. Exceptions (PEAR Error Classes)

OOP Enchancements
Destructors (Wonderful)
Visibility Modifiers & Static Methods

PHP 5 also introduces abstract classes and interfaces, which is probably THE most significant enhancement to the language. Abstract classes and interfaces allow high level design principles to be semantically applied to PHP classes. PHP includes three special method keywords, final, abstract and virtual, to facilitate the use of inheritance and interfaces.

Hmmm perhaps its time for a change. :)


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