Trip To No Where well somewhere

Travelling Dates: 21st September - 24th September
Package Type: 3D/2N
Location: (1)Redang. (2)Lang tengah (3)KK (4)HK (5)YOu name it.. lol
Price: ANything goes
Reason: i need to get out before the long workload in october..


current status: going alone (pathetic ain't it) lol


  1. i want to go on a holiday too.... will you take me with you? :P

  2. Lang Tengah is by far the best place to go for me. It's peaceful and not crowdy. soft sands, stars all over the sky at night, with blue plankton glowing.

    3d 2n is okay if u're alone and ure not planning to do lots of activities.

    4d 3n is just nice to have the time for fun and relax.

    u can get buy 1 free 1 ticket from air asia, cost u around 200bucks return (for 2)

    4d 3n is RM450 / person. the room is big enough to fit 2 queen size beds, with air con and hot shower. Not to forget, the package includes 3meals a day, jungle trekking, snorkelling trip to redang and around lang tengah. They will also pick u up from the airport at 20bucks per person. The package is inclusive of ferrying u from the jetty to the island.

    Not only that, the tour guide will bring u around Kuala terengganu town on your last day, before sending u to airport. Flight is usually at night.

    well recommended. :)

  3. well i have already made the reservation, just havent made the payments yet. still deciding. rather not go alone. dangerous coz i might not come back.. haha!!

  4. made the reservation to? of cuz dont go alone if ure not comfortable. :) get cat to go with u. good company

  5. nahs.. perhaps not.. we shall see how it goes..

  6. Ooo too bad...I'm going on a week long vacation wif Dawnie too...However its in the 1st week of Oct...hehehe...WooHoo! (ala Homer Simpson).

    Prolly going Penang...Genting...PD...Melaka...Camerons...ehhh..too many places. Scrap Melaka.WooHoo!

    But then again, for that amount of money, can go Aussie adi... :P


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