havent been blogging for days now have i? whats new? nothing much,
mom's getting better and life is getting warmer. hehe yeahs can't wait
to go to KK to see my baby graduate. uh huh uh huh!

went to watch charlie and choc factory, gawd it was crappy! lol even
my love said so. well it was a kids movie anyways, can't really expect
much. well am working hard now, getting things done as soon as they

spoke to my baby lsat night, heard they fenced up the areas for the
klcc train or its surroundings of some sort? is our malaysian society
so barbaric? i wonder if we need electrical fences? but then again
there are "kampung" people who got electrocuted walking across it so i
guess it dont really make sense anyways.. lol i guess what we should
do is create a new type of sensor to automatically deduct money from
bank accoutns if a person is caught crossing the railway tracks. now
wouldnt that be funny!

its wednesday 2 more days to the end of the week.. sighs how time
passes so fast.


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