My Little Escape Artist

My little escape artist decided to take a walk about today on her own. She managed to dug a small little hole by the side of our house fence to take start her own adventure without us. I knew she was never contented to be just an indoor dog given there is so much to smell, see, pee and walk in the suburbs. 

My neighbour found her wondering the streets and decided to take her home. She left a note on my door and it was to my surprise when I came home. Sami gave me an earful "I told you so" but I guess I was over confident that Missy would never leave the house. Being a nosy bitch that Missy is I should have known better. 

Oh wells at least she's home. She's probably got about 4 lives left after this event as she went wondering before in our previous house.

She's one tough cookie. 



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