A concept that Apple should take into consideration

I don't really wanna know if that happens to my current hard drive. Am working on a Intel Dell
Inspiron 6400 now as we speak and its currently 2 years old and so far its been good except that
I've had a change of battery packs, spent about 60 bucks for it which doesn't have a working
indicator lights that light up to tell you how much battery juice have you got left.

Recently got a new facelift from Dell for my screen which was wonky due to a loose screw
somewhere but its now all mended and looking beautiful. Dell paid for it though I know it
doesn't cost them very much to change them at all.
Am all happy though, beautiful looking though I lost all my mickey mouse pictures on it because they guy just took it away and I forgot all about it cause I had to go out to get something done for the house coz our lawyer/broker screwed
up a bit. Sighs.


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