
Showing posts from September, 2008

Yellow Crocies

Aren't they just so cute!

Scientology Anyone

We have a building dedicated for it here in Sydney.

Japanese Latte & Icecream

Never heard of it? Feast your eyes! We got it at the shop hidden inside a shopping mall on Bathurst St in Sydney. No its not coffee its green tea latte. Taste wise, its bearable but its was just 2 sweet for me.

Sydney Malaysia Fest

Food wasn't all that great. Typical entertainment with a malay guy singing malay songs on a wet field due to rain. Kompang was playing in the background but it sounds very much a malaysian festival in dataran merdeka. :P

German food in german sized

Joey's friend Ming visited Australia on his Kontiki tour and we dragged him out for lunch and watch him finish his food and Orange beer. Eeeps!

Joey & I

My english good or not? LOL

Statue of Liberty

Wannabe. With Joey's ice cream while she went to punch some buttons to get some money.

Spanish Restaurant

We went to the Spanish restaurant near world square a couple of weeks ago and we had fantastic food! Baileys coffee for desert was just a fantastic finish! Should have taking a picture of it. Shots above were of the creme brulee and Ice cream with wild berries.

HTML Format

Hailing from Tempe, Arizona, Jared and Michael Bell formed Lymbyc Systym late in 2001. Drawing inspiration from the groups Tortoise, Explosions in the Sky, and Four Tet, their compositions cleverly combine vintage keyboards, infectious melodies, analog effects, dynamic drumming, and intricate laptop programming to form melodic and cohesive tracks that blur the borders between post-rock, indie-rock, and folktronica. Touring in support of the Album Leaf, Mice Parade, and a slew of other national acts, and recently becoming a headlining road act in their own right, the brothers have developed a truly impressive live show. From their self-release debut EP, Carved by Glaciers, to their recent releases for Mush, Lymbyc Systym have quickly carved out a place in the bustling underground music scene.

Your Vocabulary Sucks

Scion: A descendent or a heir. Wonder why do they come up with new words like this? There is currently 500,000 words in the oxford english dictionary, adding phrases and combinations we're go have about 616,500 word-forms in the dictionary! Wow! Amazing isn't it? I wonder how many vocabulary words do I have in my head. If only there was a way to calculate it? Probably it was scrabulous (no defunct) that helped me increase my words that I know. Hehe but oh wells, Hasbro decided they have had enough with scrabby that they decided to take it down. So can we say that Scrabulous is a scion to scrabble (in a non legitimate way) - maybe not. :P

Cancer Research Foundation

We bought this cute cuddly doggie for Jax's father for his birthday. Also in support for the Cancer Research Foundation which was having stalls setup around the city. They also had bears and cute little cuddly bees but those were sold out, so we just bought the doggie woggie. :)

Puff Pastries

Aren't they just delicious!

House Cleaning

Finally had the house vacummed and clothes all washed and hung to dry on the hot 38 degree's day! We had noodles for lunch along with some sweet sour pork fried with tomatoes to make it sweet and juicy. We were watching a documentary of a great white shark held captive in Monterey Bay Aquarium for about 6 months or so and it grew almost double the size in its short stay there. You can see the documentated details here . Upon the completion of our brunch after a long 10 hours sleep we decided to just watch Empire of the Sun which was playing on tv. Even before the 3 hour movie ended we've already washed the clothes, clean the floor, clear the house, remove all the garbage, etc etc etc. :) Love the day as it ends after playing a round of poker and a game of monopoly, my, my how its changed cause we're using credit cards to make payments and receive cash and the values have been multiplied by 10,000 times, from what we started with 1500 is now 15,000,000 and everything is in


Is it me or is outlook just a little dumb. With the case of wrapping my words at the 76 th character forces me to re-edit my entries on my blog. Changing it to HTML will force me to use shift+enter to add a break to my paragraphs. Is it me or its just that there seems to be so many types of protocols for emails which makes things every so complicated!


Is the world really dying or is this just part of the truth? I look at the world today and everything seems pretty alrights to me. Maybe am ignorant or maybe am 2 small to notice the bigger changes happening around the world? Its sunny and bright here in Sydney averaging 27 degrees with a cold breeze every now and then and everything is walking about minding their own business and earning their daily bread. While everyone is working their butts off, am sitting in starbucks yawning and casually writing my blog post on my Outlook for my blogspot entry. Technology has evolved so much that everyone has to think twice as hard to capture an average joe's intellectual mind. From simple advertisements that shows a lady drinking black coffee to multitude of coffee taste that ranges from caramel to mango passion fruit latte (ok that was a bit too much) however I am sure someone will come up with it someday, it could be a hit to those who are mango lovers since they already have mango beer av


Truth be told that I've never been addicted to shopping, but just as I've said it, I went shopping in bondi junction twice in a week. I am guessing its because I don't really have a job now and I don't wanna sit at home. I could be doing my freelance work however the temptation is just overwhelming. Got myself a pair of pants and a shirt from Espirit shops which I am really happy with. Its time to change my wardrobe you see, need to be a little bit more formal for my own good, plus my sweetie has more optoins and choices as we both share clothes to some extent.

Going to Bondi Again

Ryka wanted to get something for herself, shopping in David Jones again if I am not mistaken. Will just accompany her since I haven't much to do and Seek IT returned only 1 job availability. Market has really slowed down alot so I guess its time for me to take it easy. Might be going to Newcastle with my sweetie next week. A new place to venture too. Wee.

GoGet Car Rentals

Since am not gonna get a car, a friend introduced this car rental option and I am gonna check it out. :) a must for the .au as brings you elsewhere, I reckon they should have bought that domain out. hehe (ooops apprently they already did, my bad coz they didn't upload anything)

Amy Pearson

Ready to Fly by Amy Pearson is the song chosen by Channel 7 of Australis TV network for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games which saw Michael Phelps obtaining 8 gold medals to be the Olympian of the Decade over taking Mark Spitz's 7 Gold medals in 1972 Olympics in Munich and also Alexander Dityatin's record of 8 medals. :) Congratulations Micheal Phelps.


My home cooked bacon rolled chicken filling skewer style. It was delicious! Sides were grilled tomatoes and boiled cocktail potatoes. The skewers were grilled with olive olil so there is less fat and supposedly healthy. Grilling also allows the bacon to be crispy and crunchy on the fatty side of it. This meal cost me less than 10 dollars. :)

Job Interview

Just finished another job interview today. This be my 3 rd interview for the week. How did it go? In my honest opinion, I would say it went well cause technically in terms of technology and seeking the right candidate for you company isn’t easy. As an interviewer I’ve seen the requirements to hire someone and to see if that someone fits the role or not. People have asked if I was sad if I wasn’t chosen for the role. To be blunt I’d say no because at the end of the day if I wasn’t the right candidate I wouldn’t be happy myself but of course its all about how your willing to adapt but in most cases is how much time and money does the company have to pay you to learn before u can actually produce something back. I learned that from my previous job, my parents didn’t agree to where I was working and the nature of content of the products I was working with and so to speak I had to move on hence why am looking for a new job now. Its also why I am sitting in front of central station typing

Lindsay Lohan To Tie The Knot?

Is she really gay? I read the latest gossip and her rumoured gf fellow brit Samantha Ronson is planning to take the relationship to another level before 2009 hits the news stands. Ronson is now 31 years old and she made the annoucement at one of her gigs in Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles. I just saw her in her movie Freaky Friday last week and I’ve heard whispers but nothing solid but this is just wild! The Improper Article Is this following the footsteps of our very own Ellen Degeneres & Portia De Rossi who wedded last month and was on international television. Hehe. I wonder if portia would follow ellen’s family name like how I am suppose to have followed my wife’s family name because she doesn’t seem to like mine, or do you think we should just have both the surnames in our names, in which does sound a little strange to me. Just did a quick search and apparently also confirms that Samantha wants to marry Lindsay. She was communicating with Lindsay whilst she

New Battery Update

I finally received my battery the other day and woop woop it works well! Now my notebook juice can last me a good 2 hours from a full charge, previously it would only hold easily 15 minutes! Terrible but not much from a 2 year old notebook from my ex office. We got laid off and this was a replacement instead of giving us 3 mths paycheck. We wanted to bring it to the court but decided against it. Wasn’t worth it. Will post pictures up soon.

PSP 3000

Statement from John Koller PSP Director of Marketing. “ Hi, everyone, there have been reports about the battery life of the new PSP system (PSP-3000) being shorter than the current model (PSP-2000), following an interview we recently did with Gamespot. I'd like to make a correction and clarify that the new PSP will have equivalent battery life to the current PSP, about 4 to 6 hours for games and about 4 to 5 hours for UMD videos. While the enhanced screen of the new PSP draws a little more power, our engineers in Japan worked to reduce the power consumption of the overall system including its components, so you won't have to worry about losing any time when enjoying the more vibrant visuals displayed with the new PSP. We hope this clears everything up, and we're certainly excited about letting you all get your hands on the new PSP and checking out the enhanced screen when it hits retail next month. Will you get one?


Got my blog to work as I wanted it to. Previously I've been having problems with the new template designs and locations. sucky and annoying! but now its wonderful! Love it! Life is wonderful. Gonna spend some time working on my carts while I am out of a job.

My New Dell Inspiron 6400 Battery Pack

Yay! Bought it off some local battery online store in australia for about AUD$130.00. Gonna go pick it up from my sweetie later on. Hopefully it works perfectly. *Cross Fingers*~!


Yes, I am still using ICQ 6 for work related purposes. I was surprised to see that I still have alot of my old contacts on the icq list. Some of them brought back memories, but others just basically made me realise how old I was. hehe. My icq number still sits at 37743527 which is only 7 digits, last check there is about 10 digits now for the latest icq numbers. Anywho what I wanted to say was that I HAD SO MUCH TROUBLE just trying to get my history details out from my icq list. Wanted to savour some moments I had when I was a young punk in University. Goodness me, the trouble I had to go through using an ICQ exporter which required me to pay USD15.00 to extra my data. I ain't paying crap! hehe. So i guess i followed some tricks to download messages.mdb from the system, which is the type of db that icq uses to store messages unlike msn which uses XML. It took me quite a while to find it on VISTA! stupid vista, its a constant reminder to never upgrade my notebook to it. Vista came


I finally got my blog address back! hehe welcome home! hehe took me a while to get it back coz some idiot used it as a spam for account related searches. dumbass! Plenty of spammers out there and alot of people selling web domain names. Good money so I heard, some can go up to a million. Imagine a millionaire overnight, wouldn't that be wonderful?

Replacing Methods

Hehe, it might sound really ridiculous to some but this is how you replace a word in all select file types and backup the existing file into a extension called .bak % ruby -i.bak -pe 'sub "foo", "bar"' *.[ch] but this is for ruby though. :P still yet to figure out for unix. I think its time for me to install ubuntu again.