
sighsssss....... blogger.com didn't get my post and everything was deleted! fark.

oh wells, was just commenting at the party that was held at Happy with Kate Monroe from sydney at the dj booth. it was awesome, despite the fact that feeling good was cancelled becuase authorities didn't really like our idea of a party at MOS.

i have never heard anything quite as good since liquid room. the times i missed her when she played at natio 04 was the one thing i regretted. the tracks that were played, the dancing on the podium, the move of the crowd , the whistling, the screaming, the jumping, the sweat that drips down my back, the emotional rollercoaster that has been haunting me the last few days suddenly disappeared fillin me with nothing but the bass and music from the loud speakers around me. smoky rooms, iced alcholic drinks, and sexy women all around just made my day. words can never express how i felt last night when all was out and loss she brought the music back to where it belongs, in our hearts. the crowd was amazing and for those who missed it when you could have been there and if u like house/trance music, don't ever miss it again.

kate made my night last night and will make it once again at Nation 06 @ phuket. c u there!


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