empty diary

hhmm this body has no connection whatsoever with the title. just thought of the word diary and looked at an empty body so it becomes empty diary. wat have i been up too recently? nothing much. spent the whole week in singapore coz my ex was around. come to think of it.. i should continue my ex-files section but i think that can wait. 2 lazy i must say. definately not satisfied with this attitude of mine, then again who can change the way one thinks but themselves. chinese new year went by so fast that i barely took a breath at it. why? coz i was 2 busy working? or thinking about work that is. so much 2 do so little time. getting bored with the phrase alraedy, time to get a new one. what the heck, life live! oh well shall blog again when am more in the mood. laters.. :)


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