The Nights Before CNY
Dear diary, Just got back from jb not to long ago, left around 8ish and arrived back home at 12 midnight. Not to bad given the fact that I wasn’t speeding at all, well I can’t say that I didn’t at all just that minimally I should say. Traffic was easy all the way, coz its not exactly Friday as the new year is around the corner tomorrow’s traffic is going to massively heavy. Sighs traveling is tiring I must say but then again its worth it to be home, am sitting here watching mary poppins as I am typing my blog entry. Too bad I don’t have wifi else I would be able to just wifi instead of typing it out on word. Am using my father’s notebook by the way, the keyboard just sucks, probably because its still brand new and under utilized and I really mean under utilized, if I should calculate the number of times he uses his notebook, I should say I have more fingers and toes to the number of times he has used it. Its new year day after tomorrow...