
Showing posts from October, 2005

erms.. blog?

hehe. i promised my baby that i be blogging today so here i am. :) i was suppose to be blogging last night but i kinda didn't have the time nor did i have the idea, plus i kinda forgotten about it. well i was 2 engrossed into developing my first poll script. :) where? u can view it in yeahs. :) i love scripting! well back to my blogging. am late last night and i am early this morning. am @ the office at 9am and nobody is around. how boring! i left office around 2am last night, went home showered and then watch a little of starsky and hutch. (crap movie) hehe well i had to relax my eyes with a moving pictures. :) what else is new? hhmm am driving up to KL tonight, yes wait.. with a collegue of mine. suppose to bring her go for real food! hehe well still thinking where 2 bring her too. here is a few suggestions.. 1. yong tau foo (old town) 2. sour vege + claypot rice 3. bah kut teh (sungei way) 4. mamak (jalan 223) 5. paris (ss2) an

cold & wet morning

helo.. :) today is thursday and i have a movie to catch tonight. what did i do last night? went to beach road to check out my bus tickets (boos tickets) lol. :) and to purchase one for my own return to KL on friday night which is tomorrow night. yay! so nice ya? hehe going back to see my baby love. what about dinner? had 4 pieces of bread and 2 pieces of ham and 1 can of beer. (root beer) well i have anchor in the fridge so its not that bad. yeahs 6 pack beer and 6 pack root beer. funny isn't it. also have orange juice for it. delicious. i got 2 packs of yoghurt which i can't eat now coz i am having my time of the month. crappy yeahs! since the weekend is so near!! of all time. blehs.. lol. happened 2 baby as well last weekend, now its her turn to tease me. haha. :) okies got to go back to work. see you laters.. tata

Early Wednesday Morning

started work at 8am and stayed up late in the office last night to mend some things up on the web. wanted to buy a replica swatch watch but someone else beat me to it and i decided it wasn't worth the money. RM11.00 is alot of money nowadays. *giggles* the clock was approaching 10 and i think my body alarm just buzzed me that it needs the bed and it needs to hear a sweet melodic voice on the phone. so i decided to pack up and head for the door. on the way back dropped by the XO fish bee hoon soup shop by my apartment to have something to fill my hungry tummy with. flipped through the menu and stopped at the fried beef noodles. been meaning to have some beef for a while so i decided to make my stomach dreams come true. the food came by and i had a bite and decided it was just meagre tasting. malaysian food would b much better anytime of the day. :) (no offence) couldn't finish the food so i left 1/3 of it sitting there on the plate while i paid the damages and left. headed for t

Delerium - Silence

I don't know if its just be being over jelaous of am i just seeking attention in the feemest way possible. (throwing tantrums). That very night well so to speak last night as a a night i just wanted to spend some time with you and may it be over the phone or may it that i fly over that very instant but that wouldn't be very logical would it? You weren't there. where were you? you didn't sense my urgency? u didn't sense my need? am i so bad at giving hints? well u left. to see someone else. (isn't that the right term?) and i was left alone in my room. so i decided to venge my anger out but i had no output. i didn't want to jeapordize my relationship over small matters so i decided to just let you know a little earlier that ophelia is interested in joining fridae. yes my ex ophelia. well that didn't seem to bring about anything so i guess that was that. made a few calls and a rough plan was formed but it didn't turn out all that well. so i went to slee

Friday @ Fridae!

helo people, its friday and i have nothig to report as usual. how boring isnt it? blehs! life is boring, its going to be mom's birthday and i don't know what to get for her. esh. :P blehs.. lol ... am returning back to the land of the living (KL) hehe tonight @ 10pm. sorry haven't been updating my blog for like forever, well just 1 week. why? coz nothing much been happening, went to beach road last night (golden mile complex) - gawd it feels like am in thailand! hahahah all the thai people were there and they were speaking their language sounds so cool. went for a massage on tuesday (4th october 2005) ended up with neck & shoulder pain for the rest of the weekend.. just great. hahah. where? holland village shopping center. how much? SGD18.00 for 20 minutes of pain. the guy who massaged really made it really painful! no stripping required :P visited aunt nancy on wednesday, mad rush i tell u jb-singapore customs. sighs even on a wednesday when its suppose to be a quiet

The Short Drive Back

left the office at 5.30pm and guess what time i reached jb. i arrived almost 1 hour later then i expected. arrived at 8.30pm. sighs, what a timing isn't it? well the traffic was just okies for the # of buses and cars but its always the long-ass trailers and long-ass lorries that jams up the whole highway. singaporean government should redirect all these trailers/lorries to tuas checkpoint coz its bigger there rather then jamming them up at woodlands checkpoint. walked to from the mobil petrol station on woodlands road to the checkpoint and decided to wait for the bus, just my luck the bus i took was the sbs and later on 5 yellow buses lined up butt 2 butt at the bus stop. should have taken the yellow bus! lol could have changed but decided to stick 2 1 lane. changing means moving up and down and with a backpack i don't really wanna move around 2 much besides i was sweating like a dripping tap. so 2 keep cool i stayed put. had dinner @ my aunts place. left jb larkin at 9pm a