Weekend Trip Home

hhmmm, i took the bus to KL today. 11.30pm bus. supposedly non stop yet again how can u trust malaysian's. ended up in seremban and some god forsaken place between KL and JB. Sighs, adding that the co driver for the bus snores like there is an earthquake makes my sleep totally impossible. So i was up from 4am till 6pm. arrived in KL at 5am which isnt too bed, debbie and wei ling (angels) waited for me at pudu with my car. wei ling accompanied me for early breakfast, partly becuase she was super hungry. been starving herself for the night so it seems. haha..

why did i come back? suppose 2 b staying back but then my love needs me by her side when she shifts into her new place. a new world for her. so i chose to come and be by her side when she needs me the most. helped her move her stuff, bought her toiletries (took from my house) bought bed linens (cartoonish) type from aosinning (something liddat). lol. i am bad with names and faces. lol!

well next morning, went to pick her up instead of wei ling, she kinda had a feeling i was back but then that 2 second look on her face when i stood right outside the door was picture perfect. the same exact words came out when she surprised me. (what are u doing here?) lol! love ya baby.

spent the entire day with her. went for a car wash, brunch at the chicken rice shop near wei ling's place. .. yeahs.. 5 hours after breakfast food again and its not all. there is more to come. went home to pack more things in subang and grab all the things she needs for her new place.

went to pick debbie and wei ling and then went for food again. debbie hasn't had lunch. i had fried kuey tiow. lol yeahs more food and its only 4pm. well.. went onward dilly deli around pj. went to one utama to walk around. then baby got hungry, so we stopped by a bread shop and i halved a sandwich with her. More food!! and its around 5.45pm, promised dinner with foong sim at 6pm, so we rushed to paris.

paris came around the corner and we had dinner. omg!! food again!! well when ur love is around u comforting ur bulging tummy, food just taste too good to be left alone!! :P well we parted later on, me debs and my love went to kiara for bowling.

bowling was good, had alot of fun, plan to do it more often. in fact, will be planning a few games with penny. yeahs hooked back up with penny, my ex-gf's close friend, she owe's me games in return for delivery into singapore. wonder what would my bowling be like? i know i sucked badly the last time, geez its terrible.. lol..

well sunday came and baby had to work, so i went in and out of KLCC. am so familiar with KLCC now, its scary! hahai went to KLCC as many times as i did last year! no kidding! spent as much as time as i could with her. left for KL the next morning. yeahs 4pm leaving KL .. arrived JB at 7pm. baby didnt sleep well coz she wans't used to the new room. should have stayed with her there on sunday night. hhmmm we'll seee.. :) friday night could be a good night..

till then....


  1. Yer...didn't call me... :( and i was SO dead bored last week cuz dawnie went to penang. eeevil.

  2. 4am!!! not 4pm....

    you're one crazee girl


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