
Showing posts from August, 2006

New Life New MSN

I now have as my msn address!! oh yeahs! waited ever so long for it. the reason why i used was becuase magicstar, magixstar,magicstar80 was all taken when i created my msn account. now its all mine mine mine!! hahahaha!! please take note yeahs? thks u

Left Brain Right Brain

You Are 25% Left Brained, 75% Right Brained The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. Are You Right or Left Brained?

oo i like this one.. i feel good now

Your Birthdate: November 1 You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily. Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail. You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details. Your strength: Your supreme genius Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity Your power color: Gold Your power symbol: Star Your power month: January What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

of everything i could be.. spiderman..blehs

You Are Spider-Man Quick and agile, you have killer instincts (literally). And that kind of makes up for the whole creepy spider thing. What Superhero Are You?


In a Past Life... You Were: A Charming Poet. Where You Lived: Russia. How You Died: The Plague. Who Were You In a Past Life?

My True Love .. ROFLMAO!!!

Your True Love Is a Sagittarius Why you'll love a Sagittarius: Deep and philosophical, you'll love getting lost in hours of conversation with your Sag. Your Sagittarius is curious and adventurous enough to keep you interested... not an easy task! Why a Sagittarius will love you: You're passionate about a few important issues, a kind of depth that Sagittarius finds very attractive. You're outgoing, flexible, and up for almost anything. You and your Sag will have tons of adventures together. What Sign Is Your True Love?

Which X Men Area You

You Are Jean Grey Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death). Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally! Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals Which of the X-Men Are You?

Trip To No Where well somewhere

Travelling Dates: 21st September - 24th September Package Type: 3D/2N Location: (1)Redang. (2)Lang tengah (3)KK (4)HK (5)YOu name it.. lol Price: ANything goes Reason: i need to get out before the long workload in october.. sighs.. current status: going alone (pathetic ain't it) lol

126 Times

that was how many times i played nickleback's far away song on my mp3 player. what's wrong with me? i don't konw perhaps i can say i just love that song much. perhaps becuase it means alot to me. its a good video too. the lyrics means so much for me. not particularly for anything but for myself. perhaps you could say that i am telling that to myself. would it make any sense? i've been so far away for far 2 long and i loosing sight of what i am here for .. :) i love you.. i've loved you all along and i forgive you..for being away for far too long.. i'll keep breathing coz i'm not leaving u anymore.. :) by the way 126 and still counting .. j.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

yes. do you? lol but it breaks a heart when the love was not returned especially when the other party is soul searching but ur not the soul mate. perhaps what i am trying to say is that why should we measure love in years when its not about the length of the relationship but how mcuh a couple has shared to learn about each other and to live together. i may have been with someone for a only a day but its like we have gone through a lifetime together. i miss my baby.. :P .

Imagine Me And You

been listening to nickleback far away for the last few days. i guess it means alot to me that i'll still put on a repeat mode. its thursday and i my legs are doing pretty ok. hopefully it be good to play on saturday, was able to do my situps this morning which means its not that strained. i wrote alot for a blog last night but its all in the notebook i left at home. perhaps i'll just leave it there for there are sections which i'll keep to myself. i have stopped feeling blue and down each time i hear sad songs now. in fact i feel just content that i have someone to hold on too. i miss her so much and i can't wait to see her tonight when i get home. :) i miss you baby and i am sorry for being so far away but u know that i love you and i need you. hugs tight. :) u probably won't be reading this as i publish this but u know it silently. :P .


Hearts are often broken When there are words unspoken In your soul there's Answers to your prayers If you're searching for A place you know A familiar face Somewhere to go You should look inside yourself You're halfway there It feels different when your alone in the home and the phone stops ringing off the hook. u take time to think to yourself that your best companion is always yourself. the freedom is all mine and mine only 2 take.


I had myself a sausage and egg and orange juice breakfast.. my regular kind of continental breakfast. now am bogged down with work.. wee!! hehe. this is life go to work.. go home chill out watch a couple of series on tv then watch a movie the play some pool then shower then sleep.. oh gawd.. this is madness but its just so chill out. a comfy sofa is a plus i must say!

my wonderful.

That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go I'll stop breathing if I don't see you anymore life is so much more bigger then you and i.. dont focus on just you and me and you will realise there is so much more out there in the open. so much more that I have yet to experience. i wanna see the world with my eyes before i see the world with someone else's. everyone is unique and its makes it wonderful when 2 worlds combine of which both is of different nature. to wait for the one u love to fall into your arms is something impossible to some but to me if life is meant to be that way even if you force yourself into it the chances of it holding on is ever so difficult. i am learning this the hard way. its time i learn that life is short but long enough for myself to learn to love the one mortal which deserves utmost importance. i've been so far away she's missing me s


i had conversations yesterday with different people with different opinions and with different words of advice.. all in all i should just think am just human to be doing what am doing? limping my way in and out of the office and in and out of the house. doesn't help if u have a walk up apartment. well at least i get to laze in the house the whole night and even got to sleep by midnight. woke up by morning to prepare myself some little morning breakfast before heading off to work. so much has changed in the past 1 year. july marked my 1st year in ouch! i just had a muscle strain attack. fark that hurts!! omg how am i going to get in tune for futsal man!! why can't they have canoe first before futsal .. sighs .. this sucks big time. lunch tiem check you out laters.. yeahs back to blogging


Doesn't this look grand? The whole place is filled with blue light. makes the place look futuristic. get this we gotta stand up when they played a small clip for their king. it had images of their king. kinda cool patriotic!. Little Me

Fat Fish!

hhmmm think i'll stay off fish for a while now.. lol

Granpa PHone!

sorry i can't spell.. i'll ljust call it granpa phone..

5 1/2 Tonnes of gold!


Fridae Hamster!


Singapore National Day 41st @ Fullerton

View Fireworks Here

W @ Nation

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Chinatown Shopping

SHop that sells all the umbrellas.. lol Fish Maw Galore shoes galore! hehe.. chicken basket to put chicken eggs.. so cute!! heheh small trolleys, which i think they are just for display purposes.. another small trolley for my hamster in the office to push.. lol

Fish Maw

Anybody for fish maw?? hehe They taste good with sharks fin soup! lol will remove the shakrs fin and put fish maw.. i guess u can call it fish maw soup which me and cat had on our first night when we had dinner underneath the .. bridge.. yeahs. highway bridge not underneath the stars.. lovely dinner i must say.. cost us THB85 for both of us. the funny thing was they cook actually asked us where we were from coz not many farangs would eat outside especially not under the bridge.. well when i said singapore i was like.. hhmm better not coz sg other then cat dun eat at such dark and scary places.. lol well it seems that at each local place we eat, we get asked that question.. hhmm are tourist so picky with food? LOL!

Khao San Chinatown

Here are some pictures from china town wholesale shopping bazaar! heheh actually i dont know if we actualy did reach khao san. there is just so much shopping and walking that i was sooo tired! but the things that we see around is just so interesting. am being serious here.. this is just pictures of the busy road of khao san on a friday morning.. its so packed but its filled with very fair skinned people .. hehe all taken with my 2 megapixel camera phone.

More Pictures


Chat Tu Chak Market

It was 9am in the morning when Cat decided i should get my lazy ass out of bed! lol oh wells .. i should well coz i wanna be early else its going to be hot hot hot coz the market is kinda cramp! From the picture above you can imagine a whole market the size of a 1/2 football field filled with rows of shop of this nature. plus there is poeple cooking in some of the inner stalls and hundreds and thousands of ppl ranging from locals to farang's to other local asians walking around with sweaty bodies! eeww! gosh we got out of the place after 2 hours and we barely covered 50% of the place. there is just so much to shop but mostly they are just fashion shops. yeahs i see people taking pictures in siam paragon so taht they can return home to make and sell at the local markets.. genius aye?


Took this picture next to starbucks during a heavy downpour! gosh.. i think the amount that i walk in bangkok is enough to cover my journey from my office to my ex-home in holland village. muahah! They were displaying this lambo @ siam paragon and i tot might as well snap a couple of pictures of it. siam paragon is where there is the underwater ocean park.. hehe.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee am in bangkok! hehe its our 2nd day here now.. gonna be here till sunday evening. gosh so much food. glorious food! hehe the rooms aren't too bad either, will post pictures up when i can get them submitted online. hehe. am staying at this hotel called ibis hotel somewhere near siam paragon been walking around town and tasting all the local food and shopping at the local markets. had a quick tour to visit temples this afternoon and after that it was more temples some more... as the afternoon progresses on we visited the factory outlet where colored stones were produced yeahs gemstones at its finest quality so it was claimed. well didn't purchase anything becuase its for tourist and not me and cat we aren't farang's! well the prices were just extravagant~! imagine the minimum to spend on the gems was 1500 baht! about 150 ringgit, well can't complaine 2 much becuase it is colored gemstones. hehe. then after it was the handicraft shop yeahs spent 30