
Showing posts from November, 2014

Yosemite Post Fixes

After taking approximately 1 hour to download I've finally decided that its time to take a stab at installing Yosemite on my work computer. Yosemite installation was pretty simple, a couple of button clicks I'm installing and its telling me its going to take at least 22 minutes, 10 seconds later it decided that its going to take 25 minutes. At that point I'm really seriously considering if my choice was the right one. 26 minutes later its working and I'm so thankful. Nowadays installing anything new from Apple just requires pre-cautionary steps like reading the reviews from the Google making sure all the stuffs just works after upgrading. Over the next couple of hours, system was just slow as I believe Apple is re-indexing everything in my 250G of storage and making sure I'm haven't lost any data. Mail was casually slower then usual and it still is till today, not sure why .. could my work being slow. MySql stumbled out of the window, Google tells me t...

Drop dead gorgeous

my little princess..

My first 10x hack returns

Didn't make full use of the multiple hack ingress special until the last couple of days. uhuks.

Sprained My Ankle

Again! I've had enough. Gonna enrol some good physio for some advice on how to fix this once and for all. Guess it didn't help that the courts were a little moist the my body doesn't like what my head was telling it to do. Working from home today as I need to alleviate my sprained right ankle to assist it in healing. Wearing a brace helps and hopefully forces the swelling to go down. Now I wish I lived in a smaller house. :(

E-Newsletters == E-Headache

Having to create tables upon tables upon table isn't the issue if the client would already have a template which has gone through rigorous testing prior to sending it to the developer. :(

Whats the difference?

$posts_array = get_posts("post_type=slider&posts_per_page=-1&post_status=publish"); foreach ( $posts_array as $post ) :                            vs query_posts("post_type=slider&posts_per_page=-1&post_status=publish"); while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();