
Showing posts from September, 2012

A trip to the blue mountains

Ive been told that she goes up for the walk annually and its a must that she does it prior to the year end, so I figured I'll join her this year and given its Labor Day long weekend I have time to kill. We had a great time up in the woods trekking walking giggling chomping on the beef jerkies. All was well till I knocked my knee cause I wanted to be a hero by running up them stairs, just when I thought I'd finish this walk without injuring myself. clumsy me. I had a great time and I wouldn't have done it by myself ever. It's been a while since I last went bush walking. I've missed it. We missed the NRL kick off but we came home to some lovely loas food at the Fairfield train station. Ordered some sticky rice, tripe salad and Tom yum fish and it was just delicious. never really had ox tongue before but my verdict fabulous!

Pillow hijacked

woot didn't realise until I came back from my shower that she's made herself comfortable on Sami's pillow. Dominant little one indeed. So cute.

iPhoto Keeps Crashing When Importing

I had this problem this morning and I thought it was because I upgraded my iPhone to OS6 and iPhoto doesn't like it. But its not the case. One just simply need to head into terminal and remove all the iPhoto libraries there or move them elsewhere then emptying the Pictures folder before trying to create a new library again. Step 1 : Move all your library files elsewhere Step 2 : Open Terminal and deleting all files inclusive of hidden ones like DS_Store, Thumbs and localized. Step 3 : Open up iPhoto and create a new library. It will automatically select Pictures folder for you so just hit Create. Step 4: Import all your photos and voila its back again. Yay!

Breakfast in a cup

Just delicious. making it a habit to have breakfast in the morning now. lovely.

Another creation with Nespresso

Outcome : Nothing to shout about.

Yam Char At Cabramatta

Delicious!! With perfect parking around the corner. It feels good to blog again.

5 more months to our trip

lovely cant wait for a trip away home with someone I cherish. :)

I joined a Gym

and it's called plus fitness 247. who would have thought. lol badminton seems to have slowed down so maybe this will help pick me up.