
Showing posts from October, 2006

Laser @ Nation VI


Kate Monroe @ Nation VI


Phuket On The Last Day


Hazey its so hazy i can see the sun directly. lol! i got myself a new notebook.. a friend brought me browsing in IMBI and I found something that I am absolutely comfortable with. :) now am configuring my notebook. gosh.. its taking me 3-4 hours to setup my windows configurations and installations.. hahah!

New Found Love Song

When you left I lost a part of me It?s still so hard to believe Come back baby please cause We belong together Who else am I gonna lean on when times get rough Who?s gonna talk to me on the phone Till the sun comes up Who?s gonna take your place There ain?t nobody better Oh baby, baby We belong together

23 Hour Express

It's 2.15am. I'm tired and sleepy. One more stop, the 24-hour mini-mart at the petrol station. I spend 10 minutes grocery shopping and after picking up seven packets of rice milk for Faith (we ran out so this was urgent), and assorted stuff like cereal, sugar-free cookies and a bottle of cold oolong tea. Then I lugged my basket to the cashier's only to find out they cannot sell anything for the next hour, because the computer system is down. Thanks hor. Take from

Post 344

wow can't believe i have already shot myself down with 344 post since this blog first started. went to alt last night to pick up some stuffs which i left behind on saturday. had a couple of chats over some drinks, nothing much. i just fnished my partial report for a meeting tomorrow. sighs i had meetings especially with foreigners.. sometimes i think myself to be a loner. i rather walk around with 1 person rather then a whole group of people. perhaps i just prefer quiet environments or places where i could just sociallize casually with my kind of people.. (lesbians..) hahah. listening to mariah carey (hero) as i type this blog out now. am sleepy but then i know am suppose to write more things for the report but then head blank.. lol, everyone is asleep now.. so peaceful the night is without noise (other then mariah carey telling me that a hero lies in me). what a weekend it has been. some of u would have already read this in my fridae blog. well times a changing now.... hectic week